miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

My ideal school

In my ideal school they teach : -English
                                              -cooking class

In my ideal timetable every 2 hours of class they have a recess of 1 hour and a lunch of 2 , they have class only 4 days a week and sports twice .In my ideal school you go to school only 4 days a week .

In my ideal school there are a lot of extracurricular activities and sports like football ,rugby ,tennis ,handball ,hokey ,etc...

In my ideal school the rules are really simple ,if you are hungry you eat ,if you are thirsty you drink water and if you want to go to the bathroom you go ; it's easy .

The uniform its only a jean and about the shirt or t-shirt ,you decide the design .

In my ideal school there's no curricular music cause you can do it if you want every time you want cause ti's 24 hours a day every day .

A day at school:

I enter in the school on Monday .I go to FFL class and after we see a movie.The movie was '' L'ile au trésor '' After the recess we go to the English class and after in french we talk about the movie .And after the lunch ,we go to do some sport .